Items to protect your hands
The Bunga Palm Protector™ utilizes a gel pad to absorb shock, pressure and rubbing. Helps protect the palm and wrist area from impact. Made for Right and Left Hand
Bunga Gel Tubing™ is lined with gel for finger and toe protection. The Tubing comes in various sizes. The gel reduces shear force, pressure, shock and vibration. Sold Individually.
The Bunga Finger & Toe Caps will protect the entire finger or toe with a comfortable elastic cap. Protects the entire toe and finger, including the nail against injury and bruising. Sold in packs of 2.
The Bunga Finger & Toe Pads are typically used to cover blister or callouses on the top knuckle of the Fingers and toes. The gel is molded 180 degrees within a 'ring' which is composed of elastic material that comfortably fits around the toes.